Gathering | Traverse

Mark Igloliorte

  • Wed 26 June, 6 - 8pm, 2019

Ramp Gallery is pleased to host "Traverse", an exhibition of contemporary works by Inuk artist and academic, Mark Igloliorte (Canada).

Mark’s works traverse the line between traditional ideas and the contemporary world – often looking at language, imagery and materials that have become part of the vernacular but that speak to traditional customs in a unique and contemporary way.

Join us for a relaxed get together, drinks and conversation to celebrate Traverse with Inuk artist Mark Igloliorte.

Wed 26 June
6pm – 8pm
Ramp Gallery, Collingwood St, Hamilton NZ
Traverse / Mark Igloliorte

As an indigenous artist of Inuk heritage, Mark’s works traverse the line between traditional ideas and the contemporary world – often looking at language, imagery and materials that have become part of the vernacular but that speak to traditional customs in a unique and contemporary way.

With a playful touch, Igloliorte explores important ideas through the mediums of video, painting and sculpture. Working in these varied ways allows Igloliorte to explore the colonisation of objects and language by re-making and re-telling.

We are excited to have Mark Igloliorte in New Zealand for an extended period, where he will make a new work in Ramp Gallery – a large scale painting "Kayak Is Inuktituk For Seal Hunting Boat".

This exhibition has been co-curated by Karl Chitham (The Dowse) and Wendy Richdale (Ramp Gallery, Wintec) and has been proudly supported by both organisations.

Special thanks also to David Lloyd for supporting the presentation of this exhibition.

Traverse is presented during NAISA 2019 (Native American and Indigenous Studies Association) Conference. This year is the first NAISA conference to be held outside of the US and Canada, and will be held at Waikato University from 26 - 29 Jun, 2019.

Image credit below: Mark Igloliorte, Seal Skin Neck Pillow (2019), Seal Skin, 33 x 33 x 10cm