Pakiwhaitara / Stories to tell
Anna Dalzell / Arturo Meade / Ben Hodges / Dylan Taylor / Elizabeth Moyle / Euan Macleod / Glen Stringer / Hannah Page / Kim Lowe / Kiri Te Wake / Kulimoeanga Maka / Michael Reed / Riki Manuel / Samuel Reed / Sandra Thomson / Simon Edwards / Te Maari Gardiner-Ngata / Victor Hernandez / Wayne Youle / Xavier Meade
- 31 May - 17 Jun, 2011
For this print portfolio 20 artists, from Australia, Mexico and New Zealand, have combined to contribute their interpretation of a myth or legend that has a personal resonance for them, based on fact or fiction, past or present. The resulting imagery and stories reflect a diversity of cultural backgrounds, Maori, Pakeha, Zenadh Kes, Tongan, Chinese and Mexican. The images also present a range of attitudes, from respectful to provocative reappraisals of past and present stories and issues.
The artists are Anna Dalzell, Simon Edwards, Te Maari Gardiner-Ngata, Victor Hernandez, Ben Hodges, Kim Lowe, Euan Macleod, Kulimoeanga Maka, Riki Manuel, Arturo Meade, Xavier Meade, Elizabeth Moyle, Hannah Page, Samuel Reed, Michael Reed, Glen Stringer, Dylan Taylor, Kiri Te Wake, Sandra Thomson and Wayne Youle.
The edition for Euan Macleod was produced in collaboration with Michael Kempson, Cicada Press, Sydney. The edition for Ben Hodges was produced in collaboration with Paloma Ramos, Editions Tremblay – No Fixed Press, Cairns. The editions for Simon Edwards, Te Maari Gardiner-Ngata, Kulimoeanga Maka, Riki Manuel, Dylan Taylor, Wayne Youle were produced in collaboration with Michael Reed at School of Art & Design, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology. The editions by Hannah Page, Samuel Reed, Michael Reed, Kiri Te Wake and Sandra Thomson were printed by the artists at the School of Art & Design, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.
Special thanks to all the artists, along with Michael Kempson, Sydney, Paloma Ramos and Theo Tremblay, Cairns, writer Dorothee Pauli, designer Samuel Reed and editorial advisor Belinda Gregg for their generous input and support.
This project was initiated by Michael Reed and supported by the School of Art & Design, Faculty of Creative Industries, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, Christchurch, New Zealand.